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Information and reservation for all performances

Group prices for school classes

Icon Ticket normal  6–8,50 €

Icon Ticket reduziert  4–7 € reduced

Per ticket/price depending on the venue. The reduction is only valid with the "Theater der Schulen" / JugendKulturService voucher for Berlin schools.

Information can be found here.
Phone: (030) 23 55 62–0

Reservation of group tickets

The online presale starts at 02.12.2025
Family and evening performances

Icon Ticket normal  Adults 13–17 €

Icon Ticket reduziert  Adults 8–13 € reduced

Icon Ticket normal  Children and students 6–9 €

Per ticket/price depending on the venue. Reduced tickets are available to schoolchildren, students, young people in voluntary service (Freiwilligendienst), those doing federal voluntary service (Bundesfreiwilligendienstleistende), pensioners, social assistance recipients (Sozialhilfe), unemployment benefit recipients (Arbeitslosengeld-I/II), holders of a severely disabled person's card (Schwerbehindertenausweis), those doing basic military service (Grundwehrdienstleistende), trainees and recipients under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act. You will be asked to show appropriate identification when you pick up your tickets.

Reservation of tickets


Icon Ticket normal  3 €

Per ticket. on request at the box office. The Sozialticket is for holders of the Sozialkarte / Berlinpass.